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Lihe Group holds Q3 2024 Safety Committee (expanded) meeting 2024-08-16

----Promulgation and implementation of the "Safety Production Law" to improve safety elementsMass capacityTraining course on determining standards for major hidden dangers in production safety

August 15, 2024,Lihe Group holds Q3 2024 Safety Committee (expanded) meeting,主要任务是深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述和指示批示精神,Firmly establish the concept of safe development,Analyze the current safety production situation,We will arrange key work safety tasks for the second half of the year,At the same time, it held training courses on promoting and implementing the "Safety Production Law" to improve quality and ability and determine standards for major hidden dangers in safety production。Chen Hongwei, Party secretary and chairman of the Group, attended the meeting and made a speech to mobilize the class。

Conference notes,各单位、各部门要以习总书记统筹好安全与发展重要论述为根本遵循和行动指南,Firmly establish the concept of two supreme,Adhere to high-quality development and a high level of safety and sound interaction,Guard against major risks,We will strengthen work to ensure workplace safety,The group's three years of action to tackle the root causes of safety production as the main line,Implement the "36 hard measures" of the Municipal Security Commission Office,Enhance the intrinsic safety level of the Group,We will advance all key work。

Conference emphasis,The main person in charge of all units and departments, team members, comrades in charge of safety production, comrades in charge of professional departments, safety management personnel, special operations personnel and other key positions should improve their ideological understanding,Understand the current situation of safety production;We should learn lessons from the accident,Step by step compaction safety main responsibility;It is necessary to strengthen emergency duty during flood season,Improve rescue support capabilities。To ensure that the overall safety management level of the group system has been consolidated, and the safety production situation is generally stable。

The meeting of the group's party and government leadership team members, members of the group's safety committee, the main person in charge of each functional department, the party and government leadership of each unit, responsible for safety production leadership and the head of the safety production department, a total of more than 41 people participated in the meeting。



Group security department contributed

August 15, 2024

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