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The Party Committee of Lihe Group earnestly conveys the spirit of studying and implementing the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party 2024-08-09

Recently, Tianjin Lihe Group held an expanded meeting of the Party Committee to convey the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee, and to study, deploy, study, publicize and implement measures。

The meeting stressed that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is a groundbreaking and milestone meeting held at a critical period of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization。Group system at all levels of Party organizations and cadres and workers,We must study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee as a major political task at present and in the coming period,Earnestly study and grasp the spirit of the plenary meeting,Accurately grasp the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee on the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session,It is necessary to promote the major deployment of the Party Central Committee on the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the group system to fully implement and achieve effective results。

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to quickly rise the upsurge of studying, propagandising and implementing the spirit of the plenary session, strengthen organizational leadership, carefully arrange and deploy the tasks and measures of studying, propagandising and implementing the spirit of the plenary session, and coordinate and do a good job of thematic learning, publicity and implementation。The main person in charge of each unit should assume political responsibility, take the lead in learning, preaching, promoting, and implementing, so as to be highly conscious in thinking, firm and strong in action, and demonstration and guidance in work。Party organizations at all levels should make comprehensive use of special meetings, "three meetings and one lesson", theme Party days and other forms to carry out extensive learning and publicity, and ensure that the spirit of the plenary session is conveyed to every grass-roots Party branch, every Party member, cadre and worker。

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to comprehensively and accurately understand the major measures and important deployments of the central government to deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, solidly implement the spirit of the plenary session, and promote the work deployment of the Party Central Committee, the municipal Municipal Party Committee and the municipal SASAC to take effect in the group。First, we must unswervingly uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership。全体党员干部职工要把思想和行动统一到以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署上来,把党的领导贯穿改革各方面全过程,确保改革始终沿着正确政治方向前进;Second, we must unswervingly deepen reform。We will optimize the layout, adjust the structure, release new drivers for innovation and development, continue to build an information system for the supply chain that covers the whole chain, strengthen the interface between enterprise data and market data, and constantly improve the marketization, specialization, and diversified competitiveness of industries。Promote enterprise management model innovation, product service innovation, sales channel innovation, build enterprise competitive advantage, and constantly improve the quality and efficiency of the group's overall development;Third, we will develop new quality productive forces in light of local conditions。We will accelerate the cultivation and strengthening of new quality productive forces represented by new forms of foreign trade,We will vigorously enhance the leading position of innovation in new forms of foreign trade,Build a "short chain, efficient and intelligent" supply and demand docking channel,Through cross-border integration, combination of data and reality,Promote the deep integration of the digital economy with various business sectors,Enhance the digitalization, greening and branding of trade,Enable and drive the development of new manufacturing and new services;Fourth, we must improve and enhance the modern corporate governance system and governance capabilities。We will continue to improve the modern enterprise system,Strengthen the Party's leadership in corporate governance,Build a strong, standardized and efficient board of directors;We will further improve the market-based operation mechanism,We will establish a more accurate and flexible income distribution mechanism,Steadily promote harmonious and stable labor relations;Improve the risk prevention and control system,We will strengthen risk prevention and control and information sharing,We should strike a balance between high-quality development and a high level of security,Effectively guard against business risks。

Meeting requirement,We must have a deep understanding of the Central Committee's important arrangements for the work of the second half of the year,Stick to the goals and tasks set at the beginning of the year,High quality and steady growth as the main line,To deepen management promotion as a driving force for development,To further promote the "ten actions", "three new" and "three quantities" work as an important starting point,It is fundamental to comprehensively strengthen Party building,Continue to deepen reform,We will accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces,Effectively transform the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee into a powerful force for state-owned enterprises to promote new breakthroughs in comprehensive revitalization,For the realization of the Chinese style of modernization of Tianjin chapter contribution and strength。

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